Avekshaa Business - IT Predictability & Assurance Platform

We use our unique and core technology platform to improve, prevent and solve Performance, Availability, Security and Scalability problems across all layers of the technology stack in complex multi- vendor scenarios.

About P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform

Avekshaa’s P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform is designed to simplify and manage the complexities of modern IT systems. Built on Avekshaa’s core intellectual properties and methodologies, the platform stands out for its holistic approach to Performance, Availability, Scalability, and Security, making it a versatile fit for everything from complex integrated systems to off-the-shelf software and cloud solutions. Avekshaa P-A-S-S Assurance Platform provides us a sustainable tech advantage and enables us to deliver consistent and quantifiable results. Not just a one-time fix, the P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform is your enduring partner across the Application Life Cycle. It’s flexible enough to support various development models like Agile and DevOps, and it employs a data-driven approach to rapidly identify and resolve issues. With over 5,000 complex performance, availability, and scalability problems resolved, a 100% success rate, and up to 10X ROI, our platform and team have proven their ability to deliver exceptional performance improvements.
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Comprehensive Coverage Across Five Core Pillars

Your All-in-One IT Solution

The P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform stands out for its holistic focus on the four crucial aspects of IT systems: Performance, Availability, Scalability, and Security (P-A-S-S™). This means you don't have to rely on multiple solutions to meet these diverse needs; the P-A-S-S™ platform has it all covered.

Adaptable for All IT Environments

Whether you're dealing with complex integrated environments, off-the-shelf application suites, legacy systems, or cutting-edge cloud solutions, the P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform is designed to seamlessly adapt. This unparalleled versatility makes it a one-size-fits-all solution for a broad range of IT systems and applications.

Full-Cycle Support for All Environments

Avekshaa's P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform isn't just for one phase of your project. It offers robust support across all stages of the Application Life Cycle, including development, maintenance, and production. Furthermore, the platform is compatible with various delivery models, such as Agile and DevOps, making it an excellent fit for any development environment.

Data-Driven Resolution

Avekshaa's platform uses a data-driven approach to rapidly analyze and isolate issues across the technology stack. This enables timely and effective resolutions, allowing businesses to maintain operational efficiency and minimize downtime. The platform's analytics can identify any impacted technology layer, offering a comprehensive problem-solving solution.

Proven Success with 5,000+ Solutions

With more than 5,000+ problems solved, the P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform has a proven track record of success. Using P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform and shift-left approach, we have successfully delivered some of the largest (in term of workload) Digital Transformation programs in the world. Example: media delivery platform involving 100 Million users with 20 million concurrency

High Value Delivered

Avekshaa's P-A-S-S Assurance Platform has enabled us to deliver 2X to 10X return on value delivered through projects.

Trusted By

COM-P-A-S-S™ Engineering

COM-P-A-S-S™ is an automated performance modeller that is built on our experience in modelling some of the largest IT systems across the globe. Building mature models that can predict performance levels is a highly specialized skill that is acquired through experience from multiple projects.

The tool provides the perfect platform for taking objective decisions related to hardware augmentation, and is an early-warning system for avoiding performance and scalability issues from disrupting business.


  • In-built framework for measuring the service demands of various systems.
  • Hypothesis module that helps in solving various what-if scenarios. Examples below:
    • How will the system perform if the volume doubles in the next year?
    • How will system perform if I add more CPU’s to the application server?
    • How much more hardware is required to maintain the SLA’s at additional 50% load conditions?
  • Capacity projection for expected load conditions.
  • Capabilities for identifying bottleneck devices.

Problems Solved

COM-P-A-S-S™ helps IT teams to address some of the most endemic concerns in any IT setup:

  • P-A-S-S™ Analytics helps in analysing the most complex issues across the technology stack, e.g. connection leaks, network bottlenecks, thread contentions, database holder events, server crash events, high CPU utilization issues etc.
  • The P-A-S-S™ Analytics reduces manual analysis by introducing automated issue analysis capabilities to the environment:
    • Identifying the exact location of connection leaks.
    • Identifying potential causes of high CPU utilization in the code.
    • Identifying bottleneck devices on the network.
  • It is commonly found that Technical teams struggle to get an appropriate solution to the identified issues. The Avekshaa P-A-S-S™ Analytics addresses this problem by providing a set of recommendations for the identified issues. The recommendations are based on a comprehensive rule-set that incorporates our many years of experience in solving performance issues.

P-A-S-S™ Analytics

Our Cloud based P-A-S-S™ Analytics leverages existing APM tools and provides insightful information for identifying bottlenecks across the various layers in the environment: web server, application server, code, database, network, etc. P-A-S-S™ Analytics is composed of Data Collection Engine, Data Modelling framework and Analytics components. 

The Analytics engine comes in-built with various common failure patterns and rule-sets that are constantly updated based on our experience from various projects, making it progressively more intuitive and insightful over time. It also has self-learning capabilities that use issues identified over a period of time as a basis for building intelligence. P-A-S-S™ Analytics helps in swift analysis, performance engineering and monitoring activities, and capacity planning.

  • P-A-S-S™ Analytics helps in analysing the most complex issues across the technology stack, e.g. connection leaks, network bottlenecks, thread contentions, database holder events, server crash events, high CPU utilization issues etc.
  • The P-A-S-S™ Analytics reduces manual analysis by introducing automated issue analysis capabilities to the environment:
    • Identifying the exact location of connection leaks.
    • Identifying potential causes of high CPU utilization in the code.
    • Identifying bottleneck devices on the network.
  • It is commonly found that Technical teams struggle to get an appropriate solution to the identified issues. The Avekshaa P-A-S-S™ Analytics addresses this problem by providing a set of recommendations for the identified issues. The recommendations are based on a comprehensive rule-set that incorporates our many years of experience in solving performance issues.
  • Identify performance issues across the entire technology stack
  • Recommendation engine that provides solutions to the identified issues
  • Easy integration with existing system
  • Minimal performance over-head

P-A-S-S™ Batch Mon

While enterprises put a lot of emphasis on monitoring performance levels of online transactions and interactions, batch operations are often neglected. Gathering intelligence about batch performance and whether it is degrading over time is usually missed. The Avekshaa P-A-S-STM BatchMon performance monitoring tool addresses this gap by providing a configurable framework for collecting metrics that can be used to monitor and illustrate batch performance levels over a period.


CusExp P-A-S-S™

Avekshaa CusExp P-A-S-STM helps understand the actual performance levels experienced by the end user – this is critical for getting a view that is not limited to data center performance levels. The tool is useful in getting insights into performance levels that may be experienced by certain branches, customers, agent groups, etc. This intelligence is extremely crucial for corroborating feedback given by end users, which at times maynot match the inputs given by IT teams.


IntgApp P-A-S-S™

Complex distributed applications are a reality today. Failure or degradation in downstream applications is one of the most common causes of failure in upstream applications. For example, a CRM that is not performing optimallycan potentially cause failuresinthe Internet Banking channel which depends on the CRM. 

Avekshaa IntgApp P-A-S-STM intelligently monitors downstream applications that are integrated with the core application, with minimal CPU and memory overhead. The tool provides a feedback loop to the core application which can then fail-over in a graceful manner, or isolate the problematic application by temporarily suspending traffic.

Problems Solved

Helps in quickly isolating problematic applications and stops cascading failures in integrated applications. Improves resiliency of the core system.


  • Real time monitoring with minimal overhead.
  • The tool is highly configurable and can be setup based on the needs of the application: sampling frequency, data collection modes, algorithms can all be customized to suit the application.
  • The tool comes integrated with an alerting engine and JSON based event triggers that can be passed to the core application for corrective actions.
  • The tool provides a unified dashboard to view the health of various applications in the IT system.

Our clients simply love our work

Our P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform, along with our skilled team has enabled us to consistently solve over 5,000 complex performance, availability, and scalability problems with a 100% success rate and delivering a 150% performance improvement. This has further enabled us in delivering 2X to 10X ROI.

Read the testimonials to see the impact we’ve made using this platform.

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We’ll empower your business with fast, secure, predictable IT systems without compromising quality.