Site Reliability Engineering

Enables business to achieve scalable, reliable, and sustainable systems through efficient management, problem-solving, and streamlined automation, ensuring seamless application performance under varying loads and peak conditions.

Challenges Businesses Face with the Reliability of Business Critical Applications


IT teams deal with ad-hoc incident responses, leading to prolonged outages and frustrated business teams.


Struggles with system reliability result in business teams experiencing lost revenue and damage to brand reputation.


IT teams struggle with manual, error-prone tasks, causing operational inefficiencies and higher costs.


Non-compliance and regulatory risks pose reputational threats to the business, requiring IT’s attention.


IT teams’ focus on firefighting and addressing reliability issues hampers the adoption of new technologies and business innovation.


Failing to meet SLAs can lead to contractual breaches and penalties.

Empowering Reliable Operations with Site Reliability Engineering

For an application to work seamlessly, it is critical that the services are reliable at varying loads and peak conditions. Avekshaa’s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) solution is a crucial aspect of modern software engineering that helps companies maintain the reliability and availability of their systems. SRE focuses on ensuring that systems are designed and managed in a way that reduces downtime and improves overall performance.
Avekshaa’s SRE solution focuses on:

24/7 Monitoring and incident response

Capacity planning and performance optimization

Fully automated service monitoring

Technical consulting to resolve Performance, Availability and Scalability issues.

Observability as a service

Automation of routine tasks to optimize operational efficiency and reduce manual effort.

Ongoing Maintenance and upgrades

Expert guidance and collaboration to align SRE practices with business objectives.

Trusted By

Ready to ensure seamless reliability and availability for your systems?

Join forces with us to unlock the potential of Avekshaa’s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) solutions.

Site Reliability Engineering Solution - Client Successes

How Avekshaa’s Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) transformed the operations of a large bank, delivering significant value through enhanced reliability, scalability, and cost savings.

Challenge: The bank faced frequent system outages, resulting in customer dissatisfaction, financial losses, and reputational damage. Manual operations and reactive incident management further compounded the challenges, hindering growth and agility.

The SRE solution helped in achieving the following outcomes:
Through proactive monitoring and incident response optimization, the bank achieved a significant reduction in system downtime, resulting in enhanced customer satisfaction and reduced financial losses.
Automation of routine tasks and optimized resource utilization led to a substantial reduction in operational costs, resulting in an estimated 40% cost savings for the bank.
Streamlined incident management processes and empowered SRE team members enabled faster incident resolution, reducing the average incident resolution time by 50%.
The scalable systems architecture implemented as part of SRE practices allowed the bank to accommodate a 20% increase in customer demands without compromising performance or reliability.
With improved system stability and automation-driven efficiency, the bank experienced enhanced business agility, enabling faster time-to-market for new features and services.

Our clients simply love our work

Technologies We Have Worked On

Experience uninterrupted performance and heightened reliability for your systems.

Partner with us to unleash the power of Site Reliability Engineering (SRE) solutions that ensure seamless operations and peak performance.