Mobile Real User Monitoring - RUM

Monitor and Improve users experiences across mobile apps by quickly measuring user satisfaction and real-time business impact for a complete picture of the user journey.

Empowering Businesses with Mobile Real User Monitoring

Through the Mobile Real User Monitoring, Avekshaa Technologies focuses on providing below solutions:

Real-time monitoring of user experience

Get real-time insights into how users interact with your mobile application, including response time, crashes, and user actions.

Application-specific monitoring

Monitor the performance of your critical mobile applications to ensure they are meeting the user expectations and driving the business outcomes.

Device-agnostic monitoring

Our solution works across multiple device types and operating systems, making it flexible and scalable solution for any mobile device environment.

Actionable insights

Get deeper insights into user behavior, including which features are being used most frequently, how long users spend in each section of an application, and more. Use this information to optimize your application design and improve user engagement.

Trusted By

Elevate Mobile Experiences with Real User Monitoring Solutions

Join hands with us to enhance user satisfaction, boost business impact, and gain a comprehensive view of your users’ journey through our Mobile Real User Monitoring (RUM) service.

Mobile Real User Monitoring - Client Successes

Our unwavering commitment to Mobile Real User Monitoring has empowered our clients to elevate the excellence of their mobile applications, enhancing user satisfaction, response time, and overall business impact.

Mobile Real User Monitoring (RUM) Solution for a Large Lending Institution

A large lending institution improved its loan conversion ratio by 20% by improving the digital journey on its Mobile application through Avekshaa Technologies Mobile Real User Monitoring (RUM) Solution:

Key benefits delivered to the customer:

Our clients simply love our work

Technologies We Have Worked On

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Ready to revolutionize your mobile app experiences?

Collaborate with us to ensure your mobile applications excel, delivering exceptional user satisfaction and impactful business outcomes through our Mobile Real User Monitoring service.