Synthetic Monitoring

Monitor and Improve customer experience, Reduce downtime with Avekshaa Technologies Synthetic Monitoring solution. Our Synthetic Monitoring Solution continuously tests the availability, performance, and functionality for all critical components that helps deliver your digital business to guarantee site reliability and a better end-user experience.

Empowering Businesses with Synthetic Monitoring

Through the Synthetic Monitoring, Avekshaa Technologies focuses on providing below solutions:

Simulates user behavior

Synthetic monitoring uses simulated user interactions to test and monitor application performance from end-to-end, providing a comprehensive view of user experience.

Proactive monitoring

Proactively monitors your application's performance, identifying and addressing potential issues before they impact end-users.

Geographically distributed monitoring

Uses geographically distributed monitoring locations to test application performance from different locations and networks, providing insights into how users experience the application from different parts of the world.

Multi-browser testing

Tests your application on multiple browsers and devices, ensuring cross-browser compatibility and optimal user experience across all the platforms.

Competition Benchmarking

Enables you to measure your website or application's performance against that of your competitors in a controlled and consistent manner.


Cost-effective than other types of monitoring, as it does not require expensive hardware or software

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Unlock Peak Website Performance

Partner with us for top-notch performance and user satisfaction through Synthetic Monitoring.

Synthetic Monitoring - Client Successes

Our relentless commitment to Synthetic Monitoring has been a driving force behind our clients’ triumphant achievements in website performance and user experience.

Synthetic Monitoring Solution for an Asset Management Company

An asset management company in India wanted to benchmark the performance of their website against their competitors. They used Avekshaa Technologies synthetic monitoring solution to simulate user interactions on their website and on the websites of their competitors.

Key Insights delivered to the customer:
Key benefits delivered to the customer:

Our clients simply love our work

Technologies We Have Worked On

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Continuously Monitor, Manage and Improve Web and Mobile applications to ensure end user experience is pristine and consistent, thereby ensuring happy and loyal customers.

Monitor and improve website performance and availability with Avekshaa Technologies Website Monitoring Solution. Our website monitoring solution provides 24/7 automated monitoring and real-time alerts to ensure your website is always available and performing optimally.

Monitor and Improve users experiences across mobile apps by quickly measuring user satisfaction and real-time business impact for a complete picture of the user journey.

Ready to Elevate User Experiences and Minimize Downtime?

Partner with us to harness the power of Synthetic Monitoring and ensure your digital business thrives with enhanced performance and reliability.