Business APAC magazine has covered Avekshaa as a Business APAC Futuristic Companies of 2020

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Engineer a High Performance Application with Avekshaa

We’ve empowered businesses across industries with high-performance solutions, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and success.

Date: 27th Mar, 2020

Avekshaa Technologies : A Trendsetter In Application Performance Engineering And AIOps

The rapid advance of technology has had a seismic impact on the ways companies do business today. Companies have started leveraging the technologies to offer their finest solutions, stay relevant to industries’ requirements, to stay ahead of their competitors, and ultimately, to deliver a stellar customer experience to their end-users. However, they tend to overlook the importance of performance engineering and management in their solutions. To help them address these obstacles, Avekshaa Technologies came into existence.

Business APAC magazine has covered Avekshaa as a Business APAC Futuristic Companies of 2020

According to the Gartner reports, the next 5 years globally are going to be around High Scalability. With the high scale, come the challenges of scale. Forrester’s report suggests that 64% CIOs confirm, P-A-S-S™ issues impact their businesses seriously. Also, as per Butler Group reports, globally 72B+ USD is lost due to poorly performing applications alone.

Since its inception, the company has been addressing the most critical, complex problems that are industry and technology agnostic. Moreover, it offers highly customized solutions that assure continuous improvements in the P-A-S-S™ (Performance, Availability, Scalability, and Security) for business-critical applications and IT systems.

Source : Business APAC Futuristic Companies of 2020 – For More Information Click Here