Application Performance Engineering

Proactively engineer an application with high performance, efficiency & reliability, thereby prevent late discovery of Performance, Availability & Scalability (P-A-S) failures in a development program, and hence avoid cost escalations, ensuring time to market for business-critical applications.

Challenges in Application Development: Navigating Performance, Availability, and Scalability

You have a vision to develop an application or product that will get you ahead of your competition and accelerate your
business growth. Challenges you face are:


Missing business deadline / time to market due to late discovery of Performance, Availability and Scalability (P-A-S) issues in the SDLC requiring re-work.


Cost escalations due to inefficient and poorly performing application, requiring re-work. As per Gartner it is 10 to 100x time more costly to fix a P-A-S issues later in the SDLC, rather than at the source.


Loss of customer confidence / loss of customers due to inefficient and poorly performing application.


Sub-optimal engineered application that compromises on user experience and leads to productivity loss for both employees and external users.

Our Approach to Application Performance Engineering

At Avekshaa Technologies, we do things a bit differently. With our innovative P-A-S-S™ Assurance Platform and a proactive shift-left strategy, we’re able to spot and resolve critical performance issues way ahead of the curve.

While most only discover these hiccups after completing 80% of the development, we’re on top of them when just 10% is done.

This early detection means:

Taking the right decisions early positively impacts an efficient go-live experience and overall cost optimization.

Whether you're in the initial stages of a new project or re-engineering an existing one, our solutions have you covered.
Our expertise spans all software development approaches - from traditional waterfall to modern agile, rapid application development to cutting-edge DevOps.
Be it a straightforward app development or a multi-layered integration of commercial-off-the-shelf products, you can trust Avekshaa Technologies to be the right partner for you.

Why Should You Partner with Avekshaa for Application Performance Engineering?

Trusted By

Worried about performance, availability, or scalability while developing a new application?

Let us help you transform these challenges into opportunities for growth and
success with our Performance Engineering solutions.

Application Performance Engineering - Client Successes

Our specialized focus on Performance, Availability, and Scalability has enabled our clients to identify and address issues much earlier in the program life cycle, resulting in faster, more reliable, and successful business applications.

Performance Engineering for a Major Telecom Company

Application Performance Engineering for a major Telecom company who were building a large scale Media Delivery Platform with an exceptionally higher business workload of 100 million user base and 20 million concurrent users.

Key benefits delivered to the customer:

Anish Shah – President, Chief Operating Officer, Jio Platforms Ltd (Reliance Jio)

"Avekshaa played a crucial role in our journey with the Jio Media project. Unlike many enterprises that consider performance engineering as a reactive measure only after launching, in our case, we aimed to establish a proactive performance engineering practice. This was particularly important as we were building one of the largest media delivery platforms, expecting over 100 million customers on day one, with nearly 10 to 20 million concurrent users accessing our On-Demand video and audio services. Hence, it was imperative to prioritize performance right from day one, even before customer onboarding.

After evaluating various service providers, we found that Avekshaa had the best capabilities in this field, leading us to select them for our media delivery platform's Performance Engineering. Avekshaa's proactive approach greatly assisted us in this endeavor. Their recommendations were integral, with about 50% of the challenges addressed during the Architecture and Design stages itself. Consequently, our launch went seamlessly and flawlessly".

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Technologies We Have Worked On

Engineer a High Performance Application with Avekshaa

We’ve empowered businesses across industries with high-performance solutions, enhancing efficiency, reliability, and success.